Episode 9

Christmas Bonus Episode

Grab yourself an eggnog because it's time for an early Christmas present - the 40th episode of Viking Story! Did I realize that during recording? No I did not! Nevertheless...

When can you expect the sequel to Bloodsword Saga? How can one find the Hamlet/Amleð comparison book from St. Clair Publications that I helped co-write? What is the story behind Stein "The Strong" and his debilitating headaches? The answers to these questions and more in this bonus Christmas episode!

Don’t forget to rate, review, and help spread the word! You can reach me via e-mail at: vikingstoryfaq@outlook.com

My Bloodsword Saga novel is currently available on Amazon and you can find it and the (H)amlet(H) comparative piece by searching my name: Alan Laycock-Fuchs

My academic historical fiction novel is also available on Amazon as an e-book or for purchase on the St. Clair Publications website as a paperback: https://stclairpublications.com/shop/ols/categories/alan-laycock-fuchs

Music rights courtesy of: https://freemusicarchive.org

And finally, a special thank you to whoever gave my Bloodsword Saga novel a 5-star review on Amazon. You are a very kind person because every positive review helps people find the book better, and on a personal note it makes me feel like you must have enjoyed my work.

May you all have a wonderful 2024!

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Viking Story
Viking Story
Bloodsword Saga - Fear The North

About your host

Profile picture for Alan Laycock-Fuchs

Alan Laycock-Fuchs

My name is Alan Laycock-Fuchs and I am an archaeologist, historian, and scholar with unique insight into the Viking world, having spent extensive time living in different parts of Scandinavia and studying Viking culture and history.